Hike Details:
- Elevation -5700 - 6900 ft.
- Location - I-80 at Rainbow Bridge exit
- Mileage - 6 miles round trip
- Hiking time - 4 hours
- Route - Take either the Big Bend or Rainbow Bridge exit off of I-80, the trailhead parking (with a bathroom, bonus!) is on the frontage road between those two exits and the trailhead is across the street.
- Weather -Not too warm, not too cold, a little overcast, breezy at the top.
Let's get started!
So many interesting trees
Check out all these cool roots...
And maybe it's just me, but I think it looks like the tree on the left is hugging the other tree, like he's saying, "It's okay, buddy, I'm here for you." :)
And just in case, we'll hug the tree too. :)
Lots of cairns to point the way as we scrambled over granite boulders.
Lots of cairns to point the way as we scrambled over granite boulders.
I was reminded of the story from the Old Testament about Samuel placing the "Ebenezer" (or stone of help) as a remembrance of the Lord's help in protection from the Philistines. Click here for the story. And this awesome talk from a BYU devotional address. And my favorite line from one of my favorite hymns, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing":
Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I've come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
I love the rock cairns that previous hikers take the time to place for others to follow. But, more importantly, I love the help that God gives us every day, all the little signs and blessings and all the help and comfort, that make it possible to stay on the path and return back to Him.
A beautiful view back over the valley as we climbed up the first half of the trail.
Love these hiking friends!
We crossed the train tracks about halfway up the trail
And then we reached the lakes...
Nothing better than lunch in the mountains
Sorry, we just had to do tree pose
This hike is always a favorite, I think this is the third time I've done it but the first time going this route. The other two times we parked near Huysink Lake and hiked in past Salmon Lake. The lakes are peaceful and beautiful, the trail is just hard enough but not too daunting, and it's close to the freeway for quick access. A great day!