Hike Details: Elevation - 7,000 - 8,000 ft. Location - Off of Highway 88, past the intersection of Highway 89. We parked in the lot of Sorenson's Resort, website here , the trailhead starts right outside their property. They're very helpful, just stop by the office and ask for directions. Mileage - 4+ miles Hiking time - 3 hours Route - we hiked up to the ridge overlooking Sorenson's Resort and Hope Valley Weather -gorgeous fall day We missed the peak time of the fall colors by a few weeks, but it was still gorgeous and gave us a taste of what it must have been like. This will definitely be a repeat trip next year. Follow the yellow brick road (literally!). That rock cliff in the center of the picture below is where we hiked up to -- looks daunting, but it wasn't too tough of a climb. There was a little patch of snow lingering from an early fall snowstorm. One of the adorable cabins (St. Nick's Cabin) at Sorenson's Reso...