Hike Details: Elevation -5700 - 6900 ft. Location - I-80 at Rainbow Bridge exit Mileage - 6 miles round trip Hiking time - 4 hours Route - Take either the Big Bend or Rainbow Bridge exit off of I-80, the trailhead parking (with a bathroom, bonus!) is on the frontage road between those two exits and the trailhead is across the street. Weather -Not too warm, not too cold, a little overcast, breezy at the top. Let's get started! So many interesting trees Check out all these cool roots... And maybe it's just me, but I think it looks like the tree on the left is hugging the other tree, like he's saying, "It's okay, buddy, I'm here for you." :) And just in case, we'll hug the tree too. :) Lots of cairns to point the way as we scrambled over granite boulders. I was reminded of the story from the Old Testament about Samuel placing the "Ebenezer" (or stone of help) as a...