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Showing posts from October, 2014

10.17.14 ..... Loch Leven Lakes

Hike Details: Elevation -5700 - 6900 ft. Location - I-80 at Rainbow Bridge exit Mileage - 6 miles round trip Hiking time - 4 hours Route - Take either the Big Bend or Rainbow Bridge exit off of I-80, the trailhead parking (with a bathroom, bonus!) is on the frontage road between those two exits and the trailhead is across the street. Weather -Not too warm, not too cold, a little overcast, breezy at the top. Let's get started! So many interesting trees   Check out all these cool roots...  And maybe it's just me, but I think it looks like the tree on the left is hugging the other tree, like he's saying, "It's okay, buddy, I'm here for you." :) And just in case, we'll hug the tree too. :) Lots of cairns to point the way as we scrambled over granite boulders.    I was reminded of the story from the Old Testament about Samuel placing the "Ebenezer" (or stone of help) as a...

10.10.14 ..... Hope Valley

Hike Details: Elevation - 7,000 - 8,000 ft. Location - Highway 88/89 south of Lake Tahoe Mileage - 6 miles Hiking time - 3 hours Route -We parked in the lot at Sorensen's Resort , but there's also a small amount of trailhead parking just West of the resort, or also in a few turnouts on the road. Weather -Crisp and cool, but beautiful, sunny and perfect for a strenuous hike Yep, we're pretty proud of ourselves! :) After hiking here last year, I knew I wanted to come back again and try to catch the fall color at its peak. It's hard to predict exactly when that will be, but I think we hit it pretty close.  We started at Sorensen's Resort (see link above), an adorable collection of cabins nestled among the trees, with a cafe that smelled delicious the minute we got out of the car. Tempting to just skip the hike and have breakfast! We were also greeted by these adorable and fortunately not-real bears. But, hey, we ca...